

The true scale of clouds is almost unbelievable. What I do see though and am moved by are the textures and colors of the lighting as well as the shapes. In many of my photos the clouds are not the subjects but make a pleasing background, but in others the clouds themselves are a fitting primary subject.



Beauvais Lake

Big Sky Shadows Rugged Sky

Concorde Departure

Millstone3 Storm

Mt Jefferson Up We Go

Shasta Morning



These images are for your enjoyment and may not be used in whole or in part for any purpose without my expressed written permission. Click on the small image to bring up the larger version. All of the images are of limited resolution. Higher resolution digital versions or 8x10 or 11x14 prints are available from me. Just send me an Email listing your desired specifications.
I have available many other images in horizontal, vertical, and square format and in black&white and color. If you don't see something, ask. I may have it.

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